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An arguement for individualist society

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Individualism is the political and social philosophy that people in the society should have the right to make their own decisions rather than an entity such as the government. It is also the emphasis of the individual over the entire group. An individualist society bases itself completely over this fact. No society can completely be individualist as it would inherently go against human nature. We have to understand that Indian society is a mix of both individualism and collectivism. We can infer this from Hofstede insights which give us a score of 48 and terms us a society with both collectivist traits and individualist traits.

Our source of collectivist culture is both political and historical. We were a completely socialist country for more than 40 years. This creates a certain mindset in people and starts making them think that the state is superior to the individual. The source of our individualism is from Indic religions namely Hinduism Buddhism and Jainism. We inherit our individualist traits from them as they value karma and individual actions.

I will now try to give a few reasons, why I think individualism will serve India better. Innovation is an inherent product of individualism in society. We in India do not lack innovation but fail to emphasize it. We have an innate desire to call businessmen who innovate and rise up in life, corrupt. We fail to acknowledge the risk they take to create more jobs and increase consumer satisfaction. In essence, though working for personal benefit is individualistic, it also serves the society at large.

Another thing that a lot of us do is blame others for our trouble. Individualism emphasizes dealing on with your own problems. The above-stated attitude is changing but not fast enough.we need to have an emphasis on ourselves before others. This is not an argument against compassion or charity. We can have that too but do remember just as we put on our oxygen masks before helping others wear theirs, we have to help ourselves in any situation first then others.

Writer and Content editor
Philomath Team
